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Higher Frequency
Christine Alexander

Show Opens July 6th 2024

4-6 PM

Iconik Coffee Roasters

Lupe Location

Work Showing July 6th 2024-November 6th 2024

Debut Solo Show From The Celestial Highway

About This Show 

"Photography offers the opportunity to travel through vast planes of space and time and collect moments of resonance along the way. The process of creating this work has been a practice of digital remixing and collaging photographs that, although created separately, were eventually woven together along a common thread of intuition into a final image.


This process of digitally compositing has freed me up as a photographer, allowing me to pivot away from seeking perfect compositions and instead creating imagery that is a testament to nonlinear experience. The process of sampling textures, colors, and moments of clarity and stitching them together has taught me to seek visual treasures on a daily basis, believing that even the smallest of details may find their eventual place in a larger story.


Stitching together images of varying resolution and quality also challenged me as a digital printmaker. Photographs created on cameras and phones alike were collaged together, each contributing a different energy to the final image. The desire to include the beauty of a moment that was documented only as a smaller image or in a lower resolution pushed me to embrace texture, grit, and imperfection in new ways.


Many of the original photographs in these pieces were created months and years apart. Throughout this work, I sought to weave together moments of epiphany or wonder where I experienced the same depth of connection to the natural world, where I accessed a Higher Frequency. The moments we step into a transcendent state can occur through intentional spiritual practice and moments of serendipity alike. Higher Frequency is a place I keep returning to, and I present this work as a collage of my visitations to a plane defined by oneness and connection with the natural world."

                                                                                                                                                                      -Christine Alexander

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